
Let us Endure and Share...

First of all, we all Japanese are deeply grateful for much sympathies, compensations, and lots of relief  supplies.... from abroad at once.
This time, even in earthquake country Japan, it is the damage of an earthquake and the tsunami of the scale beyond the assumption. Therefore it has been happened various confusion in all over Japan as well as a disaster area.  However I think it's so important that calm, and a thoughtful actions are expected because of such unbelievable disaster. But the reality is in a very heart pained situation.
At the disaster areas especially in Miyagi-pref., Iwate-pref., Fukushima-pref., nearly 1 million survivors try hard to live with the hope, even they had lost families, friends, houses...everything. At the present moment, they need food, water,fuel for heating and transportation.
But according to TV news, it happened "Buying Up"  especially in Tokyo area.  Of course Tokyo was also attacked by the earthquake. However it was not so big level with scarcely damages.  But from various wrong rumours and anxiety, many people buy up food and fuel since the earthquake day. So most of grocery sores and gas station, food and gas has gone in Tokyo. As far as we heard, at least Tokyo is no problem in the present moment, even they have to endure "planned informed blackout" periodically and confusion of transportation system.
But at the disaster area, at once they need food and heating, medicine for living today. Minutes and minutes, injured and old people has been gone, I heard.

And regarding the stock market and the foreign exchange market, historical rate recorded today. Probably, some investors around the world are targeting own profit.

Furthermore concerning "various wrong rumours", For media people, please broadcast true information. And for ordinary people, please estimate what is truth. Especially concerned "Nuclear Power Plant Accident", some TV announcers gives anxious too much, or mistaken information like unit of radiation..."mili" or "micro" Sievert and "per hour" or "totally".  Even from abroad, I have been got many mails and some of those told "TV called it Chernobyl 2...." etc.  Of course even now, the radiation situation is unpredictable.  But the structure of the plant is very different from Chernobyl case, all the professionals told.  And also quantity of radiation is still within safe level.  (I had taken much quantity by a times CT scan, when I was in bypass operation of myocardial infarction)

The sufferers in Japan will definitely revive someday like Hanshin Earthquake case, I believe. Therefore until then, please give them your heartwarming....... thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Matsumura san,
    Yes, it has been a bit too much exaggerated information revealed all over the world in regards to nuclear power plant explosion. We also received lots of mails from our overseas business partners most of those are very afraid of the radiation influence. I have returned mail to all, saying that except very limited area we are safe and free from the pollution, NO practical human damage. - " This is the time when all of people to put our hands together in this difficult time, showing our courage to face danger and build again. Indeed Japan is a great country !"


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