
Toward where the "Communication System" will go?

I've finished remaking my company's web site. However it's so hectic to check it running exactly depend on PC OS and browser, windows, mac.... especially, it's so difficult to fit major "Internet Explorer" using "Ajax".
By the way, sometime I bit worry how will be the communication system among us, human beings.  Absolutely, it has become so convenient to contact with someone to use E-mail, ....etc.,especially to contact about with anyone abroad.  But on the other hand, I think it is right way or not??.....to communicate among us. Somewhere in my mind, I believe that we living creature which can be lived by warm blood, must communicate by more analog way.... talk directly each other with laughing, anger, and tears.....  Because I always feel how important "heart-warming" exchange with someone.
After 50 years, maybe the answer will be clear.  How do you think?

my company new site,

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